Purpose of the Seminar

The purpose of the seminar is to “prepare” executives of all sectors of activity of an organization or business so that they are able to initially record the possible crises and manage methodically: the reduction of risks, the analysis and management of the “impact” in business or organization, preparedness, media management, crisis management, recovery of operational efficiency and, last but not least, crisis assessment to increase resilience.

Course Summary

  • What is a crisis? Types of judgments
  • Security and Crisis Management
  • Calculation and risk management
  • Reducing crises and their impact
  • Warning systems
  • Managing SMEs and managing image
  • What are scandals and their management?
  • Crisis and scandal difference
  • Negotiations and the win-win method
  • Intra-company crises
  • Addressing internal corporate crises
  • Case Studies

Target Audience

The seminar is addressed to senior executives, Managers, and Executives:

  • Marketing
  • Human Resource
  • Sales
  • Production
  • Quality Control
  • Project Manager
  • Public Relations
  • Crisis Communication and Management

Conducting the Seminar

The seminars are conducted online through the Multilingua asynchronous training platform, or at your headquarters during the hours and days that serve the operation of the client.

Customized Training Workshops are created, which concern the Diagnosis of the existing situation and the Configuration-Creation of a laboratory and educational program especially for the requirements of the individual and the company, which is achieved through Field Visits, interviews and Placement Tests.

The seminars are private/individual or group.


Certificate of seminar attendance.

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