Multilingua Multimedia Commercial Business Network Seminars recognizes that Oil & Gas Sector is increasingly an international environment where Languages skills are vital at all levels within an organization whether it be Executive, Engineering staff or Administration.

Sector professionals need to be able to communicate in day-to-day activities on a wide range of topics from technical concepts and specialized data presentation to general discussion of upstream and downstream operations.

Seminar Description

Functional skills such as problem solving in teams or general negotiation are essential.

This seminar is designed to meet the particular needs of sector professionals whilst having the flexibility to allow tailoring to specific interest groups whether Senior Executives, Managers or Maintenance Engineering staff.

Lessons are delivered by an instructor whose experience incorporates both oil & gas sector expertise, and exam preparation experience.
Multilingua Multimedia Commercial courses ensure that tailored programmes, instructed by qualified trainers, provide optimum preparation for sector professionals.

Course Content

On the course you will practice the specialized language learned in role-plays and scenarios that are relevant to your working life.

  • Participants will be presented with all of the business drivers in the areas of technology, from exploration, appraisal through production and Environmental, human and cultural impact of the oil industry is presented, and safety engineering issues, using a series of case studies, are included.
  • Participants will be expected to research beyond each of these areas and produce papers reviewing aspects of technology and how it impacts on the business.
  • The course will also include entrepreneurship, negotiating and presentation skills, petroleum law and con- tracts, petroleum economics and highly trained individuals with an international experience unparalleled in any other research centre teach these areas.
  • The emphasis will be on practical application of studies, lateral thinking and management techniques.

Target Audience

The seminar is addressed to the Medical and Paramedical staff of the Hospital, as well as to individuals who wish to improve their language skills as well as to individuals who wish to work abroad.

Conducting the Seminar

The seminars are conducted online through the Multilingua asynchronous training platform, or at your headquarters during the hours and days that serve the operation of the client.

Customized Training Workshops are created, which concern the Diagnosis of the existing situation and the Configuration-Creation of a laboratory and educational program especially for the requirements of the individual and the company, which is achieved through Field Visits, interviews and Placement Tests.

The seminars are private or group. 


Certificate of seminar attendance