Culture refers to the cumulative deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes and religion by a group of people generally without thinking about them.

Cultural competence is the effective use of social and interpersonal knowledge and skills that demonstrates understanding and appreciation of individual and group differences and similarities.

Consider cultural competence a priority. Culture is dynamic; therefore cultural competence must be an on-going process.

Managing diversity provides an opportunity to learn and grow through respect, understanding and appreciation of differences.


Participants will gain an understanding of the skills and knowledge required in order to become culturally competent in their daily work interactions. Participants will understand how culture impacts on human behavior and learn effective strategies to prevent or deal with disharmony in the workplace.

  • “Valuing” individual and group cultural differences is critical to achieving the organizational goals.
  • Cultural Awareness
  • Know your own cultural background.
  • Recognize your own stereotypes and biases.
  • Gain knowledge of cultural history and heritage.
  • Be aware of other’s perceptions.
  • Recognize effects of -ism on the others.


Participants will have increased understanding of the cultural influences on human behavior and how individuals can proactively and sensitively deal with cross cultural misunderstandings in their workplace. Participants will gain ideas for dealing with conflict between co-workers as well as be able to identify when conflict has a cultural component.


  • Understand the influence of culture on individuals working in teams
  • Identify when team disharmony has a cultural component
  • Identify strategies to minimize cross-cultural misunderstanding
  • Apply this knowledge and increase confidence when working with co-workers from different Cultures Content:
  • Workplace diversity benefits and issues
  • Cross cultural competency
  • Developing the right skills framework
  • Problem solve a case scenario
  • Understanding culture and diversity impact on teamwork
  • Strategies to improve cross cultural communication
  • Multicultural resources Participants will:
  • Be able to identify cultural influences on human behavior
  • Be able to proactively deal with cross cultural misunderstanding
  • Participate in problem solving a scenario to enhance team harmony
  • Understand the importance of applying cross cultural skills to their workplace
  • Enhance awareness of cross cultural barriers to effective communication

Conducting the Seminar

The seminars are conducted online through the Multilingua asynchronous training platform, or at your headquarters during the hours and days that serve the operation of the client.

Customized Training Workshops are created, which concern the Diagnosis of the existing situation and the Configuration-Creation of a laboratory and educational program especially for the requirements of the individual and the company, which is achieved through Field Visits, interviews and Placement Tests.

The seminars are private/individual or group.


Certificate of seminar attendance.

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