For employees working in the production line of Industries, the course recommended is English / Languages for Specific Purposes (E.S.P. and L.S.P.) Combination Courses which is a combination of General Languages and Technical Languages.

The Training is focused on specific needs that the participants have based on your industry and profession.

Together we’ll cover the essential language which is required by the participants to confidently and accurately speak, listen, read and write Technical Languages.

Seminar Description

This is a beginner’s course, so we start with refreshing the basics: alphabet and numbers, introductions and greetings.

But we quickly delve into work-specific language and situations via text lectures. Each lecture is supported by downloadable activities and exercises.

The course contains a wealth of information and resource sheets, and will be your go-to guide for your Technical Languages needs. By the end of this course you will be confident and competent in Technical Languages communication with your business partners, and will communicate at a CEF A2 level.

Course Main Content

  • Grammar review
  • Technical/Academic vocabulary
  • Presentation skills
  • Listening comprehension
  • Writing technical reports (if required)
  • Writing summaries, formal letters, job applications and memo/e-mail
  • Oral summaries of general and specialized texts
  • Debating and describing technical processes
  • Can We Fix It? Yes, We Can! Let’s Talk About Repairing
  • All Technical Vocabulary Needs: What Is It? Tools and Equipment
  • How Do I Say That? Pronouncing Tools and
  • What Type Is It? Describing Tools and
  • Languages For Different Machines and Their
  • Describing
  • How Wide Is It? What Is Its Width? Describing
  • What Does It Have? Describing
  • Following Instructions In
  • What Machines Do And What You

Target Audience

To technical staff where their language skills are at the level of beginners, but they should in a short time understand and communicate in written and spoken language.

Conducting the Seminar

The seminars are conducted online through the Multilingua asynchronous training platform, or at your headquarters during the hours and days that serve the operation of the client.

Customized Training Workshops are created, which concern the Diagnosis of the existing situation and the Configuration-Creation of a laboratory and educational program especially for the requirements of the individual and the company, which is achieved through Field Visits, interviews and Placement Tests.

The seminars are private or group.


Certificate of seminar attendance

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