• The basics of Word
  • First contact with Word
  • Create a new document and the basics of text input
  • The Save As command
  • Open and write a document
  • Word assistance
  • Navigate to the work environment
  • Rise and descend into a document
  • Researching a document
  • Additional drafting techniques
  • Use AutoCorrect
  • Text Selection Techniques
  • Move text
  • Character and paragraph formatting
  • Basic character formatting techniques
  • Additional character formatting techniques


  • Changes in style.
  • Use the headers style to organize a document
  • Organize a document
  • Importing automated text
  • Getting to know the standards
  • Standards at a glance
  • Using templates
  • Create a standard fax accompanying fax message
  • Getting acquainted with macros
  • Run and save the macros
  • Work with existing macros
  • Customized toolbars
  • The Internet and the Web
  • About the Internet, the Web, and the E-mail
  • Create a template based website
  • Add a hyperlink to a web page
  • Add widgets to a web page


  • Advanced styles – Connect styles
  • Automatic formatting
  • Replace styles and other items
  • Create form, form template – Forms and fields
  • Form protection and using template form
  • Using graphics
  • Work with charts and sketches
  • WordArt insertion and editing
  • Designing on a document – Working with large documents
  • Create a table of contents
  • Footnotes and references
  • Bookmarks – Cross-references
  • Use Concordance File in the index
  • Prepare printing
  • Manage changes to a document
  • Use different versions of a docu
  • Track changes
  • Using pencils and comments
  • Compare similar documents
  • Preparing a Word document for the Internet
  • Creating hyperlinks, using bookmarks

Conducting the Seminar

The seminars are conducted online through the Multilingua asynchronous training platform, or at your headquarters during the hours and days that serve the operation of the client.

Customized Training Workshops are created, which concern the Diagnosis of the existing situation and the Configuration-Creation of a laboratory and educational program especially for the requirements of the individual and the company, which is achieved through Field Visits, interviews and Placement Tests.

The seminars are private/individual or group. Seminar Duration: ...... Hours "

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